A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

Life’s challenges may appear overwhelming, but we are firm believers in the ability of self-care and creativity to bring positivity into your life. We understand the hurdles you face, so we’re committed to helping, supporting, and encouraging you every step of the way. Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey filled with inspiration and empowerment as we work to ease your pain and unlock the full potential of your healing process.

Our mission is to support individuals on their personal healing journey and those supporting a loved one's by promoting self-care practices and fostering creativity to overcome mental health challenges.

What is the Hair Project

The Hair Project is a heartfelt tribute to Douglas Buggs, a visionary hairstylist and aspiring entrepreneur who honed his skills under a distinguished Japanese Master Stylist at Hairmates Group in New York City. Douglas’ unwavering dedication to his craft, generosity, loving spirit, wisdom, and courage serve as the guiding force behind our project.


Mental Health Resources

In 2021, the impact of mental health issues is deeply felt by 44.7 million Americans, often leading to serious and debilitating challenges. Understanding the burdens of healthcare costs, especially for the uninsured, The Hair Project is dedicated to providing resources for affordable healthcare providers and local community health clinics. We aim to support individuals in their journey towards mental wellness.

Self Care

We understand the significance of self-care in improving mental health and promoting overall wellness. Discover natural stress reduction tips, and explore our resources for low-cost therapy or counseling options in your area to support your mental wellbeing journey.

Support someone

Mental health issues impact individuals uniquely, making understanding how to provide support during difficult times essential. Discover valuable tips that will equip you to help your loved ones effectively. We are here to empower you to become a positive support for someone you care about.

Healing through Art

Crafting, in various forms, has been proven to have a positive impact on mental health. Research shows that it can enhance mood, boost self-confidence, and serve as a natural anti-depressant, alleviating stress. Additionally, engaging in crafts improves mental agility, reduces cognitive decline, and offers relief for conditions including PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Insomnia, and chronic pain.

Similar to meditation, crafting provides a focused, immersive experience that allows you to escape the pressures of daily life. You can find solace and a sense of detachment by channeling your attention into a creative project. Moreover, crafting stimulates the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and enjoyment.

Our poshmark story

Poshmark has been a special part of our lives since 2018. I would spend countless hours scouring thrift stores for clothing to upcycle into unique bags and pillows. During my searches, I often encountered “crown jewels” – high-end merchandise we had affectionately named. Douglas would often guide me to the best stores to find these gems.

One store in particular, located near his salon, was a regular stop for me. I would accompany him to work and thrift while he was busy with clients. We also took trips to Columbus and Cleveland, where I would scour thrift stores while he worked. These trips were special to me as they allowed us to bond, and I often missed him when he worked alone.

Throughout the years, I made several trips to New York City to thrift, and Douglas always supported me by helping me pack and ship my sales, even after a long day at work. He was always so proud of me when I found crown jewels and would listen attentively to the tales of my finds. He always reminded me, helped me order supplies, and shipped the packages when he was out of town.

Poshmark was a shared passion between us, and now, I feel closest to him when I am out thrifting. I believe he is always helping me find the crown jewels. I plan to donate some of our sales to help the underserved community thrive. I know giving back is something Douglas would have wanted.

Donations & Goals

In the United States, the African American community faces a disproportionate impact of mental health issues compared to other ethnic groups. Social stigma, income inequality, and limited awareness create barriers that hinder access to necessary support. At The Hair Project, we firmly believe that mental health treatments should be accessible to everyone, not just those who can afford them. That’s why we are dedicated to raising funds for charities that empower underserved communities and strive to create a platform for free mental health support through scholarships.

As part of our commitment, we pledge to donate 12.22% of our gross Poshmark sales on 12/22 each year, in honor of Douglas’s birthday. By pooling our resources, we aim to generate enough funds to establish a foundation that offers scholarships for qualified individuals, ensuring equitable access to mental health support. Together, we can break down barriers and empower underserved communities to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.


African American Male Wellness Agency

Mission: The mission of the African American Male Wellness Agency is to increase the life expectancy of African American men in terms of physical health, mental health, financial health, fatherhood, and research.


Therapy for Black Men

Mission: was born from the idea that Black men and boys face unique challenges and stigmatization and therefore need a dedicated space for seeking and finding mental health support. We’ve made it our mission to strip away that stigmatization and ease the process of finding help. By providing targeted resources and a database filled with professionals equipped to support men of color, our users can now obtain the help they need and deserve.


BEAM: Black Emotional and Mental Health

Mission: to remove the barriers that Black people experience getting access to or staying connected with emotional health care and healing. We do this through education, training, advocacy and the creative arts.


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